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Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java

ArrayList and LinkedList are the two general-purpose List implementations.
Even though ArrayList is the favorite of java developers, a smart choice between these two classes will definitely improve the performance of your application.


  • ArrayList is most suitable when your list is having a fixed number of objects and you are using this list only for retrieving the objects.
  • The time required to access any object from an ArrayList is the same. ArrayList is just plain fast.
  • Addition and removal of objects from an ArrayList take more time when compared to a LinkedList since these operations are linear in ArrayList.
  • ArrayList is maintaining a tuning parameter called initial capacity which refers to the number of objects it can hold before we can start adding objects into it.
  • ArrayList implements the List interface.


  • LinkedList is more suitable when you frequently add objects to the list and delete from the list.
  • Positional access of objects from a LinkedList requires linear-time. Means more time when compared with an ArrayList.
  • Addition and removal of objects from a LinkedList is faster when compared to an ArrayList since these operations require constant time for all the objects.
  • LinkedList doesn't maintain any tuning parameter like ArrayList, but it offers seven optional operations.
    • clone: Returns a shallow copy of the original list. Only the list object will be cloned, not it's elements
    • addFirst: Inserts the given object at the beginning of the list.
    • addLast: Inserts the given object at the end of the list.
    • getFirst: Returns the first object in the list.
    • getLast: Returns the last object in the list.
    • removeFirst: Removes and returns the first object from the list.
    • removeLast: Removes and returns the last object from the list.
    • LinkedList implements List and Queue interfaces.

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