Class 3 Maths Syllabus
Let's familiarize with 4-digit numbers. Learn to compare numbers and building numbers. Understand Successors and Predecessors.
- Place Value of a digit in a number
- Comparison of numbers
- Successors and Predecessors
- Building Numbers
- Even And Odd Numbers
Let's learn addition through different methods. Addition of 3-digit and 4-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
- Alternative Methods of addition
- Adding 3-Digit Numbers With Regrouping
- Adding 4-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping
The numbers that are multiplied are called factors and the answer is called the product. Let's learn multiplication in detail.
- Multiplication Tables
- Multiplication of a 3-Digit Number by a 1-Digit Number
- Multiplying a Number by 10, 20, 30, ..., 90
- Multiplying a Number by 100, 200, 300, ..., 900
- Multiplying a Number by 1
- Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers
Subtraction means taking away some of the objects from a collection and counting the remaining objects of the collection. Let's learn Subtraction in detail.
- Alternative Methods of Subtraction
- Subtraction of 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
- Addition and Subtraction Together
- Subtracting Bigger Numbers
Division is the process of equal sharing. Let's learn the different ways of division and the properties of division.
- Division as Equal Sharing
- Division as Repeated Subtraction
- Division as Inverse of Multiplication
- Division using Multiplication Tables
- Properties of Division
- Long Form of Division
- Parts of Division
- Division with Remainder
- Division of Two and Three Digit Numbers
- One Half, One Third, One Fourth of a Whole
- Parts of a Collection
- Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction
- Description of basic Shapes
- Making Shapes using Matchsticks
- Solid Shapes
- Open and Closed Figures
- Symmetry
- Patterns using Square Sheet and Grid of Dots
- Shapes in a Pattern
- Number Patterns
- Measuring with a Scale
- Conversion of Metres into Centimeteres an Vice-versa
- Measurement of Mass (Weight)
- Measurement of Capacity
- Properties of Division
- Long Division
- Division without regrouping
- Division with regrouping
- Time in Quarter Hours
- Use of the words Past and To
- Calendar
- Writing Money in Short Form
- Conversion
- Money - Addition and Subtraction
- Money - Multiplication and Division
- Subtracting Money
- Pictographs