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An overview of Grade II Mathematics.

Class 2 Maths syllabus is prepared with lot of fun activities so little kids will be able to understand every topic in detail in a fun way. In grade II, we will learn the basics of operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Also, we will learn basic shapes and patterns. We will learn to tell time from the clock also in grade II. Here you can see a detailed list of all the topics we are going to cover.

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Class 2 Maths Syllabus

Numbers up to 1000

Let's learn about 3-digit numbers. Learn even and odd numbers, Place value, expanded forms and comparing numbers.


Learn the properties of addition. Learn how to add numbers with and without regrouping.


Let's start with subtracting 2-digit numbers. Learn the properties of subtractions and its relationship with addition.

Addition of Bigger Numbers

We already learnt the basics of addition. Let's learn addition of bigger numbers.

Subtraction of Bigger Numbers

We already learnt the basics of Subtraction. Let's learn Subtraction of bigger numbers.

Shapes And Patterns

Learn flat shapes, solid shapes, straight lines and curves. Also understand patterns.


Do you know how to tell time from the clock? Let's learn the details with the help of a live clock.


Multiplication is the process of repeated addition. Let's learn multiplication facts, properties, multiplication tables, etc.


Let's understand division in detail. Is division related to multiplication?


Fractions are portions of a complete object or thing. We can divide objects in to different sizes and shapes.


We need money to buy things. We use the term Currency also to mention money. Let's learn more about money and its operations.


Let's learn the basics of geometry. Understand points, lines and line segments.


Learn different units of measurements. Learn measurement of length, mass and capacity. How can we convert from one unit to another?

Data Handling

Let's learn how to prepare a shopping list. Learn to understand information from pictographs.